Get Your Free Copy of Stained Glass Association of America Standards and Guidelines for the Preservation of Stained (and Leaded) Glass Windows
For building owners and those responsible for the restoration of stained glass, we’re pleased to offer a complimentary copy of the Stained Glass Association of America publication, “Standards and Guidelines for the Preservation of Stained (and Leaded) Glass Windows.”
"The Definitive Guide to Stained Glass Restoration for Building Owners, Architects and Construction Managers"
This 49-page book covers everything you need to know about restoring stained glass windows in churches and institutional buildings. It goes into great and useful detail on the following topics:
- Structure and type of stained glass windows
- Determining the value of your stained glass windows
- Deterioration process of a stained glass window
- Standards for the preservation of a stained glass window
- Standards and guidelines for the step-by-step process of a complete restoration project
- Obtaining proposals
- Funding stained glass restoration
- Contracting and what to expect during the project
A great value for the reader is that once you’ve read through this publication, you’ll have an objective basis from which to evaluate the condition of your windows and also the recommendations of those who bid on your stained glass restoration project.
Rohlf’s Stained and Leaded Glass Studio adheres to the SGAA guidelines in every aspect of our business restoring stained glass windows. In fact, we helped write the book!
Get your free, no obligation copy of the SGAA Standards and Guidelines (offered to religious and lay leaders, building owners, architects and construction managers responsible for the care of stained glass).
Note to homeowners and other stained glass studios: this guide is offered only to religious and institutional building owners, their leadership and building committees and the architects and construction managers who serve these facilities. Thank you for your understanding.
Get your FREE SGAA Guide here (USPS mailing address needed since it is hard copy).